Thursday, June 19, 2008


I got an update on Rocky yesterday afternoon. The lab results came back on the tumor and it is Grade 1 Mast Cell tumor which basically means it's non-cancerous. The margins are clean so they believe it will not grow back. Yay! Little Rockefeller.....such a sweet boy.

I practiced this morning. I argued with myself in my head for about ten minutes before I hauled out of bed at 5:05. Threw on yoga clothes, went downstairs, turned on the heater, got all set up and went to it. And, seriously, I did the whole primary series. In my living room. Didn't drop any vinyasas, even in-between. Also did baby dropbacks. I didn't see the floor this time but that's ok. What's even more miraculous is I'm not in pain from the backbending any more. The annoying pain in my hip seems to be dissipating. Dammit, Teacher was right! The more I practice the easier and less painful it gets. I almost didn't get out of bed but then the realization that I have another private one week from today launched me right out of there. Nothing like the fear of disappointing your yoga teacher to get you out of bed at 5am! AND I did it all in about an hour and a half. Including a 25-breath savasana. Outstanding.

No other real news to report, Mercury moves out of retrograde today (is that how you say it? I don't know) so hopefully this house thing will get rolling full steam. We have a lease but we don't know when we can move in! Jeez!

I'll have the weekend to myself, it is our weekend to have the FSC but they will be with their father in Smithtown pretty much the whole time. Let's see, what WILL I do with my time?????


Anonymous said...

You will come take a vinyasa class with ME!


Thank goodness. Enough was enough.

Glad you practiced, and you're right, sometimes knowing you're seeing a teacher you care about is enough to get you launched onto a mat!

crankyhausfrau said...

you are amazing! while i can get up at 4am and go to the shala, i cannot get up early and self practice. you are a rockstar!

LI Ashtangini said...

I FELT like a rock star! I was so hyper that by the time BF got up, I was practically hanging from the ceiling. Very annoying to those who don't wake up at 5am, I'm sure. I find that if I don't do it at 5am, it ain't gonna get done!

Woo, vinyasa class on Saturday. Criminal! Bad ladies!

Anonymous said...

They have oreos there too!

Yes, 5 for self practice is rock star. I felt rather amazing today at 6:15 but you were already in the seated poses by then. Shall we self practice together tomorrow astrally? All of us?

LI Ashtangini said...


crankyhausfrau said...

hmm, i don't know how astral it will be for me, as i will definitely not be on the mat before 8:30!

Anonymous said...


(0v0) said...

Your criminal nature is really starting to become apparent....

Right on.

Happy for the pug. That's very good.

alfia said...

Yay, great news about the baby!

Don't you love the days when you overcome your resistance, practice and the practice is great? I actually like myself when this happens. :)

V said...

So glad to hear that everything went well and there is nothing to worry about!