Friday, May 30, 2008


It is the ass crack of dawn. WHY AM I AWAKE??????

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Congrats to K!!!!!

My friend K got into Pace University to pursue his Doctorate in Professional Studies in Computing.

Way to go!!!!!!!!!

The Eagles!

As in, the Southern/Country Rock band. Yep, we saw 'em last night. I've always loved the Eagles, since I was a little kid back in the 70's. They were really great, subdued but great. And they are OLD. BF kept calling it geezer rock. I must admit, there were a lot of older (older than me) people there, many canes. They started at about 8:30 and when we left maybe around 11pm they were still playing? I was exhausted and my sinuses went crazy in there for some reason. I'm only allergic to cats so I'm not sure what that was about.

I loooooove live music. Almost any kind of live music. Classical, jazz, rock, pop, blues, bluegrass, salsa, opera, whatever, bring it on! One summer I think I went to maybe 5 concerts at Jones Beach. Santana, James Taylor, Kiss, Pearl Jam and I can't remember the other one. And summer is the BEST time for going to concerts of any kind.

Well, I don't want to get too overly excited but it looks like, of the two houses we found that we actually wanted to rent, we got one of them. We got the one that I liked and didn't get the one BF liked (mostly because of the dogs). The house is freaking huge, there's a master bedroom suite with a walk-in closet, bathroom and sitting room (my yoga room? not sure yet, it's carpeted). That's upstairs, in the attic (it's an A-frame house). On the main floor, open kitchen/dining/living room with fireplace and slate tile floors, kitchen has fairly new appliances and nice cabinets. Also two bedrooms and full bathroom. Honestly that would be plenty for us. But the basement has, I think, three finished rooms, one 3/4 bath (has shower, no tub) that is really nicely done plus the laundry room, which is normal unfinished basement. There's a really nice big deck all the way around the house. There's not too terribly much yard but we're ok with that. It also has central air conditioning and is in Huntington, not too far from Huntington Village. Biking distance but not walking distance. The only glitch is that there is a tenant there and she's supposedly paying less than market rate rent and doesn't want to move. But the landlord wants her out so out she goes (hopefully).

No practice today but tomorrow I'm working from the city so Shala in the morning! And everyone does primary so I don't have to watch any acrobatics. Yay!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It's raining again here in the greater NYC area. We had a glorious weekend weather wise so I probably shouldn't complain but I'm so tired of rain! Supposedly the rest of the week will be fairly sunny so I guess one day isn't so bad.

No practice yesterday or today. Yesterday I was too darned sore! This morning I was exhausted. Part of the problem being that I didn't go to bed til 10. Tonight, bed at 9 and practice in the AM all by my lonesome. No mysore in Huntington tomorrow night, we're going to see the Eagles at MSG. Woo!

On the house-hunting front, we MAY have found a place so keep your fingers crossed that we get it. The rental market on Evil Island is painful, so there's no guarantee that just because we want a place we'll get it. Sigh.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Z!

It is Z's birthday today. He is 9 years old (according to his father some days, he may not make it to 10). So happy birthday Z!!!!!!!

Let's see, I posted last on Friday, I think. It's only a three day weekend and I'm already losing track of time. On Saturday morning I went to the studio in Huntington for the led primary/secondary class. I met the owner of the studio, she taught the class. She's SOOOOO NICE and I really enjoyed her teaching style. She's traditional when appropriate, gives great assists and adjustments and provides really workable modifications when necessary. Even though my backbending is really not 'there' yet, I enjoyed all of the backbending we did. And it was great to practice with OTHER PEOPLE (as opposed to by myself, half-assed, in my living room).

After class, I drove to Huntington Village to hang out for a bit before I looked at the first house of the day's real estate shopping. I have now found two things about Evil Island that I actually like: the classic rock radio station and Huntington Village. I had a gigantic iced tea at the Crackhouse, did some people watching then wandered around for a while. Huntington Village has great shopping (non-chain store type), great looking restaurants, at least two clubs/bars that have live jazz and it's just gorgeous.

After an hour in the village I drove to Northport to look at a 'rustic' beach house. It was definitely rustic and not for us. After that I drove to a different section of Northport and looked at two houses. One of them I really liked so we'll see how it goes. Then I proceeded to get lost amongst the gigundous houses of Huntington Bay. By the time I got home it was time to shower, get dressed and go see the Memorial Day fireworks.

This morning I dragged my sore back (as well as the rest of me) out of bed to drive into the city to practice. It was a fairly lackluster practice but I persevered until Navasana, skipping no vinyasas. My upper back is very sore, especially around the ribs. Perhaps I'm finally learning how to twist in the thoracic spine instead of the lumbar? I've been working very hard on not twisting out of the pelvis during marichy C. Backbends today were not happening. I'm pretty sure I whispered 'fuck' upon coming down from one of them. Very nice.

Today I'm baking a cake for Z's birthday. We're grilling sausages and hot dogs and corn tonight for dinner. Yum! I'll take pictures.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Backbending day - and it's FLEET WEEK

I practiced this morning. Yep, that's right, all by my little self. Sun sals, a little standing then I decided I was too tired for standing. Besides, I felt like doing a little back bending. So that's what I did. Shalabasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, and a couple of very tight UD's. UD has been rather tight the last couple of weeks. It almost feels like something in my shoulders is getting ready to open, they have been really noisy for a while now. And my hands seem to be getting closer to the floor in Prasarita C. Now if only I could get my HEAD closer to the floor. The backbends felt pretty good and there's no pain now, sitting here in my management cube.

I looked at two rental houses last night. Yeah. So anyhoo, the search continues. One good thing is that I've narrowed the focus. I had previously been casting the net pretty wide but I really don't want an hour's drive to work, so we're going to stick to the Huntington/Centerport/Northport area. Tomorrow is a cottage on the water. The broker said it's 'rustic' so I'm trying to prepare myself.....The location appealed to BF so I figured I should give it a shot. Perhaps if it's too 'rustic' we can fix it up a tad? Who knows.

It's Fleet Week here in the greater New York City area. What is Fleet Week, you ask? Check it out: Fleet Week. I believe they have Fleet Week in other locations like San Fran, South Florida, etc. It is also the Friday before Memorial Day so it's quiet here in the management cube. Perhaps I can sneak out a little early? BF is getting his car delivered today, Shiva willing. It was a logistical nightmare getting him the car he wanted for the price he wanted but his (and my) persistence paid off and it should be delivered to our house today.

That is all.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mysore style....sort of

I went to the Mysore class in Huntington last night. It was kind of odd, not exactly what I'm used to. However, it was a thousand times better than trying to practice alone in my cramped living room so I'll take it!

Basically, instead of people just wandering in shortly before the class starts and starting up their practice, everyone waited to start until 7:15pm (class start time), did the chant together then started their practice. Also, everyone only did half-primary. There were six people in the room, including me, plus the teacher. To be quite honest, it was nice that there were no 'superstars' in the room, no one doing crazy third or fourth series. No one there could even stand up from UD. So it was much easier for me to have my normal 'challenged' practice. I am well aware that we're not supposed to compare ourselves in the Mysore room but I have a hard time believing that I'm the only one who does that. Usually I am successful at brushing it off and not worrying about it. The teacher was a sub and I thought he was really cool. There were no heavy-handed adjustments, he seemed to work more with energy than brute strength. Sometimes I do need the brute strength, but not always. All in all, it was a good experience and it will be a good option for me, especially when we move to that area next month.

On the house-hunting front, I'm dreadfully tired of staring at Craigslist, tired of brokers, tired of the whole thing. I'm going to look at two houses tonight, one in Huntington and one in Kings Park. I would love for one of them to work out so I can stop looking. The other option I have discovered is a house in St. James that is WAAAAAAAY too close to the ex-wife (like, three blocks). I'm going to look at it but it's probably not going to be a good option for us.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The nasty weather yesterday delayed my arrival to the led primary class in Huntington. I was a little over five minutes late so I didn't go in. It would have been my first class and I was a little reluctant to show up late to my first one. Tonight is Mysore style there, it starts later, at 7, so I won't be late and I'll have a chance to get settled, not feel frazzled, etc.

Somehow BF woke up earlier than I did, at 6:15. And he got up out of bed! I should have gotten up with him and 'convinced' him to do some yoga but I was feeling lazy. Perhaps tomorrow morning, since I'm going to class tonight.

Life is currently very stressful here, BF is buying a new car and I'm trying to find us a new residence about 45 minutes from here (but close to the Huntington studio, so that's a plus). Lots of driving....sigh. Once it's all said and done we'll have a 40-45 minute commute from home to Port Washington where we both work. However, we'll be able to carpool and use the HOV lane. I had a suburb meltdown moment last night but it passed and I'm trying to be ok with this move even farther out onto Evil Island.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The soreness feels good

Wow, it's Sunday afternoon and I haven't posted since Thursday. Yikes! That's what the FSC do, they steal the time away.

No practice on Friday. On Saturday I did get up and go to a 10am class at Jivamukti. I felt a little off-balance and ploddy (is that a word?) but I'm glad I went. Shalabasana is hard for me! I don't think I realized that until yesterday. A Jivamukti class is full of sun salutations and chaturanga after chaturanga. My arms and chest are sore. Not bad like it used to be in the beginning days but sore nonetheless. And I like it! It means I worked hard and I like that! Then I had a big salad for lunch with a friend and we did a little shoe shopping at DSW and had a mani-pedi. Fun day. I hadn't seen the teacher at Jivamukti (my favorite Jivamukti teacher) in about two years. She's so great, just hippy-dippy enough but also very warm and real.

We bar-b-que'ed last night with the children. I tried to make more ARTISAN bread but it didn't cook all the way through because I tried to make a loaf that was too big. Back to the drawing board. Then we walked with kids and dogs (not an easy task, let me tell you) to get ice cream. Afterward I was so stressed I had to have a cocktail. Seriously.

I got up this morning and went to the Shala. I had a lovely practice. I'm still a little weak, the endurance isn't what it once was. Also received a lovely pat on the back from Anna. She's right, many times my practice can be fairly graceful. I attribute that to two things: A lifetime spent being clumsy (one of my main reasons for starting a yoga practice in the first place) pushes me to try extra hard to be graceful AND my teacher in LA has an unbelievably graceful and smooth practice and I try to model mine after hers. And no, no one has ever told me that I have a 'bad' practice, or that it looks ugly. Just the voices in my head! My hips are still super tight, I'm still having trouble catching my toe in trikonasana. Craziness! Practice felt really really good, I didn't skip a single vinyasa. I did punk out on quite a few, taking my knees to the floor but I did every single one. I almost always skip a couple but I must burn those calories and get that upper body strength back! I think I'll practice a little tomorrow morning.

The little skinny dog next to me is farting up a storm, I must go find something to plug up his butt with. Ugh, he STINKS!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

More yoga today

I did a little practice today. Little Buddha stood by watchfully on the couch. I have nothing to say about it other than it's frustrating to have all of my endurance taken away from me. BAH!

Made another loaf of ARTISAN bread last night. The tip from Laksmi regarding using a cookie sheet for the steamer pan instead of a baking pan worked out well, I think. I promised the FSC I would make more this weekend so we'll see how it goes. I made another batch of dough last night, it's in the fridge.

I may go to Jivamukti on Saturday. That should be super embarassing but I don't care. I've gotten FAT and I need to move my ASS. Plus I can see my friend S in the City after class. She may even go to class with me. That would be fun!

I got an e-mail from the studio in Huntington that does some Mysore and Led classes. They are going to start doing a led half primary half second class on Saturday mornings. Hmmmm, now that I might be interested in. Plus next week I'm going to start going there on Wednesday nights for their Mysore. It's cheaper than going into the city and hopefully the studio is less dramatic and annoying than Anonymous Shala.

Fighting with BF today, and I'm not even sure why. I'm just being a crankypants beeeeatch.

Over and out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back to the mat

Asana report:

I did it. This morning I rolled out my mat and got on it. It was a horribly criminal practice, and only about 30 minutes or so but either way, it was a practice. The goal right now is to just get on the mat. Once I can get consistent about that, the next goal is to actually have a 'mostly' non-criminal ashtanga practice. Because I've decided I'm only going to the Shala on Sundays. I'll save a lot of money and avoid some of the drama and politics in the place to boot. It's a win-win, I say. And how did I find the motivation to get back on the mat, you ask? A conversation with BF last night (mostly paraphrased, I don't remember the exact words).

BF: OK, this mood of yours has got to go. It must stop now.
Me: Blank look
BF: I've had enough of it.
Me: I probably need to do some yoga.
BF: Yes, so why don't you do it.
Me: I feel like the moment I step on my mat I'm going to burst into tears.
BF: So, step on the mat, have a good cry then do the yoga, for god's sake.

I didn't cry, but I did get on the mat. I practiced with two of my favorite yogis, Rufus (aka Little Buddha) and Rocky watching. Most of my strength is gone, hopefully I can get it back soon with some consistent practice. Twists were hard. I couldn't get my toe in trikonasana (yeah, let's talk about backpedaling for a second, shall we?????).

Me: Oh, I can't get my toe any more!
BF: You know, it's a myth that you have to be able to reach your toes to do yoga (that's quote from a Yogaworks marketing card that I keep on the fridge).

No inversions (end of Ladies Holiday), did a little shalabasana for backbending. Did I mention it was criminal? OK, it wasn't criminal, it just wasn't ashtanga!

Perhaps another brief practice after work? BF is on a field trip with one of the FSC today so I'll have some nice alone time to work on some hip openers and stuff.

BF is a pretty darned good yoga teacher, no? :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

ARTISAN bread and blueberry cobbler

I have no asana report, so I'll report on other stuff going on in my life.

My grandmother passed away on Friday. Seriously, my relatives are dropping like flies recently. My grandfather last September, my father a week and a half ago and my grandmother on Friday. She had alzheimer's and has been in a nursing home for several years, so to be quite honest, she's in a much better place now. I'm a little sad, but glad she no longer has to live that way. I can't go back to Florida, I have no time off left (new company doesn't do bereavement) and am broke from the trip to Florida for my father anyway. It agitates me that I wasted the trip on my father instead of my grandmother, but what's done is done.

Ladies holiday arrived yesterday so I couldn't go to the shala today. Drag.

I made some ARTISAN bread today. I took some pictures, here they are. The first picture is the dough on the pizza stone after it had risen, right before I put it in the oven.

This picture is the bread after it came out of the oven. I forgot to take the picture before we cut it, so we had already eaten half of the bread when I took the pic.

The freaking ARTISAN bread ROCKED! BF was totally psyched about it, asking me all day if the bread was ready yet. If you don't have the book, you must get it.

I also made a blueberry cobbler. Again really yummy. Here is a pic.

I gave the dogs a bath and then took a little video. They are so frigging cute.

PS I edited this freaking post THREE TIMES. ARGH.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Another Meme

Since I can't think of anything to post that isn't either pouty or totally negative, I'm doing another Meme.

1. What were you doing 5 years ago today?

Living in Brooklyn with my ex and our two dogs, working for a gigantic law firm.

2. Name 5 snacks that you love:

potato chips and onion dip

3. What are 5 things on your ‘To-Do’ list for today/ Or things you’ve already done today:

take the suitcases to storage
get the car washed
mop the kitchen and bathroom floors
give the dogs a bath
practice YOGA

4. Name 5 things you would do if you won five million dollars:

Pay off student loans and other debt
buy a house
buy BF an aston martin, because he loves them
buy some shoes
buy my mom and brother a house or condo or something each

5. Name 5 bad habits you have:

leaving half-empty diet pepsi cans around the apartment (drives BF nuts)
drinking diet-pepsi
eating cheese

6. Name 5 places you’ve lived:

Tallahassee FL
Brooklyn NY
Jersey City, NJ
Los Angeles, CA
Port Washington NY

7. Name 5 jobs you’ve had:

switchboard operator
grocery bagger
admin assistant for a ballet company
web site admin for school of music public relations office
email engineer

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I quit

I'm quitting Ashtanga. That's right, you heard me. What's the f'ing point anyway? I can't tell if my crazy life is forcing me to drop my yoga practice, or if my lack of a yoga practice is causing my crazy life. Any thoughts?

T (12 year old FSC) asked a girl to a dance. How freaking cute is that?????

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Did I ever mention on this blog that I hate Long Island, and more specifically, I hate Port Washington? On a daily basis I am besieged by hostile, horrible, ill-mannered, loud, driving-impaired Long Islanders. Evil, horrible people.

Another nail in the coffin of my ashtanga practice:

I go to the Port Washington LIRR parking office. In order to obtain a Port Washington parking sticker (you must have a sticker to park in the LIRR lot on weekdays), you must have a driver's license, auto registration and rental agreement or utility bill, all with a matching address in your name. So I went out and got said driver's license and registration (no picnic in NY state, mind you). Now, I am not on our rental lease, as we are in BF's apartment that he rented before I moved here. And I am not listed on the utility bills. So, being the thorough, well-prepared girl scout that I usually am, I called ahead to find out if there was anything I could do. And I was told to bring a bank statement or credit card statement, anything with a matching address.

So I went on my lunch hour to the parking office. I brought a savings account statement, a credit card statement, my tax return and my (hard-won) license and registration. The man behind the counter said oh, a new permit, you'll need to wait for 'her'. Whoever the fuck 'her' is. OK. I maintain my sunny disposition, because, as I see it, being nice will get you much farther and it's usually easier anyway. 'She' comes to the counter. I give her a sunny 'hello' which is completely and rudely ignored. The man explains to her that I want a new permit but I don't have a lease or utility bill.

Her: You don't have a lease?
Me: I'm not on the lease here but I live here
Her: You don't have a utility bill?
Me: They aren't in my name.
Her (with evil, stony look): Well whose name are they in?
Me: (silently WTF). Well, they are in blankety blank's name.
Her: Well who is blankety blank?
Me: (silently again WTF?). He's the other person that lives in the house.
Her: These won't do, this is a savings account statement. You'll need a checking account statement (me wondering what's the difference at this point). Or a cell phone bill. Do you have a cell phone bill?
Me: (silently...was I supposed to bring every fucking bill I've ever received at this address?????). OK, I'll get that and come back.

No 'sorry for the inconvenience', no 'I know this is a pain in the rear but we have to weed out the fakers'. Not even a 'kiss my ass'. She just turned and walked away.

So I walked out to my car and had a mini-meltdown, wondering why the FUCK I live here and why the FUCK people on Long Island have to be so fucking stupid and rude. I got in my car and of course, on my way back to work some driving-impaired Long Islander almost sideswipes me in the process of trying to cut me off to get to a parking spot on the street.

The funny part? I'm only getting a parking sticker so I can park at the train station when I go to work in the city. And I'm only wanting to go to work in the city so I can go to a fucking yoga class. I MUST be out of my mind.

I'm back

I was IM'ing with a friend of mine in LA, one of my former coworkers at 'evil company that imploded'. So far this year, he has lost his job, his favorite uncle has passed away, and just a few days ago, his wife and his mother (worked at the same mortgage place) lost their jobs. We agreed that 2008 SUCKS. And it's only MAY! Last night BF and I drove by this photo place here in town where I dropped off a picture of my mother that was taken last year. She wanted it scanned and a few copies printed. I dropped the picture off with them about a week before I went on vacation. They CLOSED. With no notice. No phone call. THEY HAVE MY PICTURE! It's honestly not that big of a deal but it just seems like every month, every week, every day brings me some new blow or handicap. What did I do to deserve this????? Seriously, how bad is my karma?

Last night BF could not sleep. He has developed a nasty case of tinnitus that keeps him awake and is slowly driving him insane. He was referred to an ENT but of course can't get in until like June 3 or something. SO, when BF cannot sleep, guess who else can't sleep? Therefore, no sleep equals no yoga practice. Honestly, I've been giving some serious thought to just giving up on the practice. My body is clearly not cut out for it anyway. I mean, here I am two years later and still stuck on half-primary. Seriously, why am I doing this?

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am: not as technically proficient as people think
I think: everything happens for a reason
I know: that BF loves me
I want: my dogs back
I have: great hair
I wish: I could connect with my family
I hate: people who aren't accepting of others
I miss: my dogs
I fear: people laughing at me
I feel: 
tired and sad right now
I hear: music all the time
I smell: like Cracker Barrel
I crave: 
things that are sweet
I search: for the good side in everyone
I wonder: what will happen when I'm old
I regret: nothing
I love: dogs, fresh cut flowers and the beach
I ache: in my right hip
I care: 
too much about what people think of me
I always: walk around and not under ladders

I am not: nearly as uptight and cold as people think I am
I believe: in reincarnation
I dance: whenever I can
I sing: in the car, always
I cry: during yoga class
I don’t always: express my gratitude for the generosity of my friends

I fight: rarely
I write: not very well!
I win: when I set my mind to it
I lose: money, all the time
I never: leave the house without sunglasses
I confuse: myself, all the time
I listen: not often enough
I can usually be found: on the computer

I am scared: of getting old 

I need: to give in to the fact that I live in NY now 

I am happy about: the richness of my friendships (new and old) and the wonderful, open relationship I am in with the BF