Sunday, May 18, 2008

The soreness feels good

Wow, it's Sunday afternoon and I haven't posted since Thursday. Yikes! That's what the FSC do, they steal the time away.

No practice on Friday. On Saturday I did get up and go to a 10am class at Jivamukti. I felt a little off-balance and ploddy (is that a word?) but I'm glad I went. Shalabasana is hard for me! I don't think I realized that until yesterday. A Jivamukti class is full of sun salutations and chaturanga after chaturanga. My arms and chest are sore. Not bad like it used to be in the beginning days but sore nonetheless. And I like it! It means I worked hard and I like that! Then I had a big salad for lunch with a friend and we did a little shoe shopping at DSW and had a mani-pedi. Fun day. I hadn't seen the teacher at Jivamukti (my favorite Jivamukti teacher) in about two years. She's so great, just hippy-dippy enough but also very warm and real.

We bar-b-que'ed last night with the children. I tried to make more ARTISAN bread but it didn't cook all the way through because I tried to make a loaf that was too big. Back to the drawing board. Then we walked with kids and dogs (not an easy task, let me tell you) to get ice cream. Afterward I was so stressed I had to have a cocktail. Seriously.

I got up this morning and went to the Shala. I had a lovely practice. I'm still a little weak, the endurance isn't what it once was. Also received a lovely pat on the back from Anna. She's right, many times my practice can be fairly graceful. I attribute that to two things: A lifetime spent being clumsy (one of my main reasons for starting a yoga practice in the first place) pushes me to try extra hard to be graceful AND my teacher in LA has an unbelievably graceful and smooth practice and I try to model mine after hers. And no, no one has ever told me that I have a 'bad' practice, or that it looks ugly. Just the voices in my head! My hips are still super tight, I'm still having trouble catching my toe in trikonasana. Craziness! Practice felt really really good, I didn't skip a single vinyasa. I did punk out on quite a few, taking my knees to the floor but I did every single one. I almost always skip a couple but I must burn those calories and get that upper body strength back! I think I'll practice a little tomorrow morning.

The little skinny dog next to me is farting up a storm, I must go find something to plug up his butt with. Ugh, he STINKS!


alfia said...

I am glad you are back in a saddle, Sonya! I love feeling of soreness in the muscles after the first post-break practice.
Your dogs are just too cute. They fart, too? That is just too funny. I do not remember my dog ever farting, thoug my younger cat does it once in a while.

LI Ashtangini said...

The fatty pug snores (LOUDLY), the little skinny Boston farts. A lot. And it is really smelly. Seriously, he can clear a room. It's a good thing they are so freaking cute, otherwise I'd have to heave them outside!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Dogs are so funny.

It was a pleasure practicing next to you - your energy is steady and sweet and strong.