Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am: not as technically proficient as people think
I think: everything happens for a reason
I know: that BF loves me
I want: my dogs back
I have: great hair
I wish: I could connect with my family
I hate: people who aren't accepting of others
I miss: my dogs
I fear: people laughing at me
I feel: 
tired and sad right now
I hear: music all the time
I smell: like Cracker Barrel
I crave: 
things that are sweet
I search: for the good side in everyone
I wonder: what will happen when I'm old
I regret: nothing
I love: dogs, fresh cut flowers and the beach
I ache: in my right hip
I care: 
too much about what people think of me
I always: walk around and not under ladders

I am not: nearly as uptight and cold as people think I am
I believe: in reincarnation
I dance: whenever I can
I sing: in the car, always
I cry: during yoga class
I don’t always: express my gratitude for the generosity of my friends

I fight: rarely
I write: not very well!
I win: when I set my mind to it
I lose: money, all the time
I never: leave the house without sunglasses
I confuse: myself, all the time
I listen: not often enough
I can usually be found: on the computer

I am scared: of getting old 

I need: to give in to the fact that I live in NY now 

I am happy about: the richness of my friendships (new and old) and the wonderful, open relationship I am in with the BF


Stellata said...

Ohhhh I like your meme - I relate to a lot of yours, like wishing I had my dogs back and that I could connect with my family better too.

And don't worry I always walk under ladders and so far, its been ok :)

V said...

Sonya, I have to object to:

"I am: not as technically proficient as people think"

It's such a female thing,isn't it? We've been brought up to be humble and not toot our own horns. Well, in the IT industry you just have to. Look around and see how many men with the same education and experience than you would say "I'm not that technically proficient". I bet you won't find any.

So own it, girl! You are good at what you do and that's that :-)

crankyhausfrau said...

i think everyone is afraid of being laughed at, either obviously, or behind their backs.
and anyone who thinks you are uptight and cold is just not paying attention.
and i am sorry about not feeling connected with your family. my husband really struggles with this and it is really painful to watch.

Anonymous said...

There is such a sweetness to you. I love your responses here.

I agree... everything happens for a reason.

LI Ashtangini said...

Stellata, I NEVER walk under ladders. I'm actually quite nuts about it.

V, I think you're right.

Cranky/Happy, it is sad. We're locked in this endless cycle of assuming and not listening. Not sure how to break it.

Anna, I have to believe that! Otherwise why are we here at all????