Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm back

I was IM'ing with a friend of mine in LA, one of my former coworkers at 'evil company that imploded'. So far this year, he has lost his job, his favorite uncle has passed away, and just a few days ago, his wife and his mother (worked at the same mortgage place) lost their jobs. We agreed that 2008 SUCKS. And it's only MAY! Last night BF and I drove by this photo place here in town where I dropped off a picture of my mother that was taken last year. She wanted it scanned and a few copies printed. I dropped the picture off with them about a week before I went on vacation. They CLOSED. With no notice. No phone call. THEY HAVE MY PICTURE! It's honestly not that big of a deal but it just seems like every month, every week, every day brings me some new blow or handicap. What did I do to deserve this????? Seriously, how bad is my karma?

Last night BF could not sleep. He has developed a nasty case of tinnitus that keeps him awake and is slowly driving him insane. He was referred to an ENT but of course can't get in until like June 3 or something. SO, when BF cannot sleep, guess who else can't sleep? Therefore, no sleep equals no yoga practice. Honestly, I've been giving some serious thought to just giving up on the practice. My body is clearly not cut out for it anyway. I mean, here I am two years later and still stuck on half-primary. Seriously, why am I doing this?

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