Thursday, May 15, 2008

More yoga today

I did a little practice today. Little Buddha stood by watchfully on the couch. I have nothing to say about it other than it's frustrating to have all of my endurance taken away from me. BAH!

Made another loaf of ARTISAN bread last night. The tip from Laksmi regarding using a cookie sheet for the steamer pan instead of a baking pan worked out well, I think. I promised the FSC I would make more this weekend so we'll see how it goes. I made another batch of dough last night, it's in the fridge.

I may go to Jivamukti on Saturday. That should be super embarassing but I don't care. I've gotten FAT and I need to move my ASS. Plus I can see my friend S in the City after class. She may even go to class with me. That would be fun!

I got an e-mail from the studio in Huntington that does some Mysore and Led classes. They are going to start doing a led half primary half second class on Saturday mornings. Hmmmm, now that I might be interested in. Plus next week I'm going to start going there on Wednesday nights for their Mysore. It's cheaper than going into the city and hopefully the studio is less dramatic and annoying than Anonymous Shala.

Fighting with BF today, and I'm not even sure why. I'm just being a crankypants beeeeatch.

Over and out.


Anonymous said...

Did you go to Jiva yesterday?

Home practice is hard... we are all here to encourage you! : )

Arturo said...

Hi Sonya
The jivamukti class sounds good. I find that doing 2nd series poses raises my heart rate and helps with weight control. I know how much you like the artisan bread, but if you're after losing a few, breads, white rice and pasta are among the first things to limit or avoid. Can you buy a whole wheat baguette, and eat just a few rounds from it, limiting yourself to 4 rounds per day? That would still give you healthy bread but limit the quantity.
I didn't realize you were from the Everglades until you left your comments. Thanks.

LI Ashtangini said...

Yah, trying to go easy on the artisan bread but the boys in the house like it. Actually bread is less my downfall than sweets, particularly cake and cookies. But this week I seem to be breaking the sweets habit. We'll see how it goes.

Not really from the Everglades, per se. I grew up in Coral Springs. The Everglades is on the edge of town, and once upon a time they drained the Everglades to build Coral Springs.