Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back to the mat

Asana report:

I did it. This morning I rolled out my mat and got on it. It was a horribly criminal practice, and only about 30 minutes or so but either way, it was a practice. The goal right now is to just get on the mat. Once I can get consistent about that, the next goal is to actually have a 'mostly' non-criminal ashtanga practice. Because I've decided I'm only going to the Shala on Sundays. I'll save a lot of money and avoid some of the drama and politics in the place to boot. It's a win-win, I say. And how did I find the motivation to get back on the mat, you ask? A conversation with BF last night (mostly paraphrased, I don't remember the exact words).

BF: OK, this mood of yours has got to go. It must stop now.
Me: Blank look
BF: I've had enough of it.
Me: I probably need to do some yoga.
BF: Yes, so why don't you do it.
Me: I feel like the moment I step on my mat I'm going to burst into tears.
BF: So, step on the mat, have a good cry then do the yoga, for god's sake.

I didn't cry, but I did get on the mat. I practiced with two of my favorite yogis, Rufus (aka Little Buddha) and Rocky watching. Most of my strength is gone, hopefully I can get it back soon with some consistent practice. Twists were hard. I couldn't get my toe in trikonasana (yeah, let's talk about backpedaling for a second, shall we?????).

Me: Oh, I can't get my toe any more!
BF: You know, it's a myth that you have to be able to reach your toes to do yoga (that's quote from a Yogaworks marketing card that I keep on the fridge).

No inversions (end of Ladies Holiday), did a little shalabasana for backbending. Did I mention it was criminal? OK, it wasn't criminal, it just wasn't ashtanga!

Perhaps another brief practice after work? BF is on a field trip with one of the FSC today so I'll have some nice alone time to work on some hip openers and stuff.

BF is a pretty darned good yoga teacher, no? :)


Anonymous said...

You did it! You are victorious! A warrior goddess!

Sometimes yoga is just about being on the mat, and the hardest thing to do is go back when you're been away for a little while. Good for you. A few days and you'll feel like you never missed any time.

BF is very good teacher, and motivator, too!
: )

LI Ashtangini said...

Yes, he is a good boy. I think I'll keep him!

alfia said...

Good for you, Sonya!
I feel so crappy when I miss yoga, it translates into everything - my work, my relationships, home. We are addicted, right? Though this is not the worst kind of addiction, thank God!