Friday, June 27, 2008


First, for the general diary stuff. I went to class today. I was supposed to have a private last night with Christopher but we ended up blowing each other off, for various reasons. He wanted me to meet him up on Mars at like 5 instead of 5:30 downtown. Uh, dude, I have a JOB! So I said, you know what, I'm moving on Tuesday so I'm a little nuts anyway so let's push it back to next Thursday. Cool.

Practice today was tough. I practiced Sunday then Wednesday and Wednesday was, well, pitiful. So I really haven't done much this week at all. My practice space in the living room keeps getting smaller and smaller due to boxes and bins and such. Therefore, I was REALLY stiff today. My right knee gave me that tiny warning pain it gives on the inside of the knee when my hip is too stiff to be doing what I'm doing. If that makes any sense. My knee is like my early warning signal. Any nagging pain on the inside and I know my hip is stiff. There's also something going on in my left leg, it's hard to explain. Right up under my bumcheek, my hamstring is quite sensitive and painful. Forward bending has been difficult all week since last Sunday. Then in the front there is a nasty tightness that turns into pain whenever it is stretched. I managed to lumber my way through the whole primary today though, so that's something. And three decent but tight backbends. Actually, given how tight I was, I'm surprised I could backbend at all. At this point I actually have the ability to THINK when I get up there so on the third one I tried to breath into the hip flexors to help them lengthen. I'm not sure if it really worked but it was cool that I had the presence of mind to do it! Slow and steady progress, as always.

I keep thinking of good 'substantive' blog topics when I'm offline. I have such a hard time remembering my ideas when I'm online! Moving on Tuesday and nothing is done in the house. Scary!


Anonymous said...

So wonderful to practice with you! And meant to tell you that I like your red top.

LI Ashtangini said...

There was a plethora of loud chanting today! I like that red top too, it holds the girls in pretty nicely without using a shelf bra. Sooooo tired, I need a snooze.

Anonymous said...

You need to nap! Be still, like sleeping tiger. Roar!

LI Ashtangini said...

Today, more like sleeping buffalo. Maybe tomorrow I will be sleek like leopard. Today, lumbering like buffalo. Especially next to naked teensy weensy yoginis in the ladies room.

Stellata said...

Don't worry about your "diary blog" its awesome and inspiring to read! Hope you had a kick butt nap!

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Yes, listen to your knee for sure. It totally makes sense. If rotation isn't coming from your hip then your knee will tell you.

My own teacher had a martial arts-related knee injury years and years ago, and there are some days when he does not lotus. The knee must be obeyed!

I wish I had a nice red shirt. My girls could use some wrangling.

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Oh ps, happy moving! Deep breaths and all that. ;)