Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'll be sore tomorrow

I had a fantastic practice. For the first time in months I did the entire primary series except for setu bandhasana. AND I managed three good backbends, five (quick) breaths each. AND I did my baby dropbacks on the wall. AND I saw the floor on the third one. That's right, SAW THE FLOOR. It freaked me out so I came right back up. That was enough for me! I forgot to do paschimatanasana after my backbending (oops). Went behind one of the big pillars to do my finishing. Frigging shoulderstand felt fantastic. I don't know if it was the humidity or the heat or what but it just felt GOOD. The sub whipped me into Marichy C which is still REALLY scary. I can't figure out how to breathe into my chest in general and in that pose in particular. It's like a big neon sign that says 'belly breather, belly breather'. What can I say, wind musicians don't breathe into the chest. We're taught to breathe all the way into the belly and to exhale FROM the belly. The assistant gave me some good advice about that though so I'll see how it goes. By the time I was all finished, I was totally blissed out and wiped out so I was grateful for savasana and had no trouble doing my 25 breaths. In spite of the fact that the room was complete chaos. I attribute that to the fact that the sub is a little 'green' as a teacher. Now I'm just in a really great head space. Nothing could piss me off today. I think......

For those of you who have been keeping little Rockefeller in your thoughts and prayers, he's fine. The tumor was larger than they thought and the surgery took a bit longer than it was supposed to. He has a lot of stitches and the incision is longer than we expected. We'll call him scarface now? He's ok though, and his big brother is VERY happy to have him back at home.


Anonymous said...

You touched the sky! I love practices like that.

Sweet puppy. Glad to hear it's all okay despite longer surgery and scar.

Stellata said...

wowowowowoweeewow. I haven't had this in a while, YAY for you!!! Sounds awesome!!

alfia said...

Doesn't good practice make the whole day shine no matter what?
YOu rock, Sonya!
Hooray for the baby!

chitta vritti said...

scarface, that'd be cool to call him. happy he is ok now!

what a great practice you had! good for you :) but how do one get 'whipped' into mari c?

LI Ashtangini said...

A lot of pulling, Chitta!!!!!!

ashtanga en cevennes said...

Hi Sonya, I'm glad your little dog is doing well, and hooray for great head space!

(i'm Joy, btw. :)

LI Ashtangini said...

I just love your name, Joy Suzanne. Every time I see it I get a little internal grin!

ashtanga en cevennes said...

rilly? Nice!

Do you know, I was reading your comments here and there before ever checking out your blog, and I thought you were called Li Ashtangi. Not LI, if you see what I mean. So I thought you were Chinese! I laughed at myself when I read Port Washington. I gather you don't like living in Long Island... I was in NY for a couple of years and had a boyfriend from Great Neck and I couldn't stand that place. Oh la la la la. ;)

PS I hope you find a teacher soon!

LI Ashtangini said...

Oh, Great Neck is the WORST! We're moving to Huntington in a couple of weeks, much more 'crunchy granola mother earth' as BF likes to say. He thinks I'll be happier with 'my people'. LOL.

I have a teacher, I just don't get to see him that often. Boo hoo!

chitta vritti said...

haha, i now see that 'whip' have several meanings. i totally get what you were phrasing there! Petri did it to me in mari D. meeps!

LI Ashtangini said...

Mmmmm, Petri is yummy! Marichy C and D absolutely call for a meeps and a YIPES!

chitta vritti said...

yes, yipes too!

Petri is so, so yummy i'd almost take a bite of him! AND he's really sweet. does he have a twin brother we ask?

LI Ashtangini said...

Alas, no, but he is single! He's too teensy for me, unfortunately. I'm a big tall girl. Still so nice to look at......and so sweet.

chitta vritti said...

he's single???!!! i thought he was dating that WTF her name is, 'dr cuddy'? he and i are the same hight and i'm ok with that as long as someone is so beautiful to look at as he is, and have hands that make me feel small and taken care off :)

Anonymous said...

You guys are wonderful. I could squash Petri, I think.

Then again I go for tall guys that make me feel like a mini-person...

meoweth! Good morning! Roar?

chitta vritti said...

Anna, i do NOT think you'd squash him. he is not the squashable kind, used to be a hockey player, you know :)

Stellata said...

I've never met Petri, but I've seen pictures. yuuuuumy. yes please.

LI Ashtangini said...

No, you would definitely not squash him but he is on the small side. BF size is as small as I go. It's not an option for them to weigh less than I do.