Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No power cable

I forgot to bring my power cable with my laptop today to the City office. Ooooooops. Fortunately my coworker/team member isn't here today so I borrowed his. Whew!

I practiced at the Shala today for the first time in maybe three weeks? My mat was still there, thank goodness. They put new shower curtains in the bathroom and put new faucets in the showers. The old ones always came off in your hand. I know, such things to complain about..... The best part was, Anna and Cranky were there practicing too! Fun!
I did my half-primary and realized I really need to stop slacking off on the vinyasas in the seated poses. I got really tired and skipped a couple. I started crying again after my Marichy C assist from BW. WTF is that about????? I just don't get it. Is it because I can't do it so I have a woe is me moment? Weird. Backbending was tough but I did three and no lower back pain or tightness at all afterwards. I think really concentrating on bandhas during updogs really helps with that.


Anonymous said...

I noticed the faucets too! Thank you DANA! Meant to say something to her, but forgot.

This morning was lovely, good energy.

Not sure why tears? Frustration, or releasing something? I'm not always in tune with subtle body energy, but I kind of think that what comes up in the practice is something to go with and eventually it all gets better and evens out?


LI Ashtangini said...

Yeah, I don't get it. I mean, it's just a twist for heaven's sake. It's happened several times though so it's definitely a 'thing' but doesn't happen when BF wrestles me into it. Who knows.

Yes, must thank Dana! I bet she did it herself!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure she did! Dana is so handy. I, on the other hand, am not.

Your trip will be so exciting! You will be practicing with that jasmine smell.....