Friday, April 18, 2008

A different direction

I practiced at home this morning (that's not new) with the BF. We did three A's , two B's, the first three standing poses (without the twisters, he's not ready for those yet) and a few seated poses. He complained the whole time. :)

Even though trying to practice and teach him at the same time is difficult, and I am not getting in the vigorous body workout that I used to, I think this is a good new direction for my practice. It seems that in going back to the beginning with him, I am going back to the beginning with myself. A beginning I can now barely remember, from three years ago. When I remind him of things that I feel are important (breathe, heels out, press your hands to the floor, relax your neck), I remind myself. And it hit me. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE DECIDE TO TEACH YOGA. I know, kind of a dumbass A-HA moment, but an important one nonetheless. And it sets my mind to brewing about things for the future......ways to get out of the 'management cube'.

Anyhoo, the Pope is in town this weekend so I may not be able to get to the Shala on Sunday. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and BF has a really hard time breathing through his nose, more so in the morning than other times but mostly all the time. Any thoughts on how to get things cleared out in the morning so he can breathe? I already suggested the neti pot but I don't think he's going to go for that.


alfia said...

Does he have a deviated septum?

LI Ashtangini said...

I honestly don't know, and he probably doesn't know either. His nose has probably been broken once or twice in his life. He was once wild and naughty......he has nasty allergies and rebellious sinuses in general.

alfia said...

If he broke his nose, it is very likely he has a deviated septum. Good luck getting him to the doctor, though. I am still working on my husband with it, and I started oh, twenty years ago? Lay men do not understand the importance of proper breathing and the septum issues are the lowest on their lists of priorities.... :(

Anonymous said...

It's a moon day on Sunday, so no mysore class with Christopher.

Anonymous said...

For some reason the ujjayi (sp?) breathing, because it's more in the throat (even though the breath enters/exits through the nose) helps me a bit if I'm stuffy. Is he breathing the right way?

It's also allergy season and this too will pass.

I love that he gets up to practice with you and you're right, it helps to go back to the basics sometimes, doesn't it?

crankyhausfrau said...

i used to have a lot of difficulty nose breathing, but the practice trains you.
the pope was in DC! you can go see him and buy pope-erphanalia!
and i think you should teach! go forth and teach!

LI Ashtangini said...

Yes, Anon, we were wondering that last night when we walked the dogs. I kept meaning to look but never near a computer when I thought of it.

Cranky - I'd like to be proficient in Primary before I did any teacher training, but I'm mulling it over....

Anna - Allergies are definitely part of the problem. This is one of the things that's on his 'list' for when he goes to the doctor next week. Being a diabetic is good in some respects, he HAS to go to the doctor more frequently than most guys would. Not sure if his breathing is right just yet, it's a big enough chore just to get him out of bed and on the mat! Maybe you're right though. I'm not an allergy or sinus challenged person so I have no experience with this. Since tomorrow is a moon day, I'll get him up later to practice, maybe we'll do some breathing exercises. Last night he said that he was willing to try a Neti pot though. I mean, if his 11-year-old can do it.....

eeyore said...

how about a bulb syringe? works just as well as a neti pot and seems more "medical" to most of us.