Monday, March 17, 2008

Totally forgot....

I bought a Manduka eco-mat on Sunday. It is frigging fantastic. I've been a Jade Harmony mat devotee for a long time but I can't stand the shedding any more, and it's so freaking narrow. The Manduka is really heavy but I LOVE IT. It's soft to the touch, sticky right away, unlike the black Manduka but no shedding, and really wide and long. It's fantastic. The best $70 I've spent in a long time. I highly recommend!!!!


Anonymous said...

You will love it! Katie has had hers for 7 years. When I heard that I was sold!

crankyhausfrau said...

wait, what is happening to your gorgeous hair? why won't i recognise you?

LI Ashtangini said...

I have been growing out my hair for about a year so I can give it away. My teacher in LA knows a woman who does extensions for cancer patients so we're hoping she'll take my hair. Locks of Love has too many rules (length, no chemical treatment, blah blah). I will be cutting it when I go to LA the first week of April.

crankyhausfrau said...

zowee! good for you girl! someone will be thrilled to have those gorgeous tresses!

alfia said...

That is awesome, Sonya! I hate to see you loose your long hair, but what a great cause! You are wonderful. :)

Anonymous said...

That's really such a kind thing.

When was the last time you had short hair? I'm having trouble picturing it!

LI Ashtangini said...

I had short hair when I was heavy, maybe 5 years ago? The shortest it's ever been was maybe like a chin-length bob. It doesn't look good, I can tell you that. I kind of need a lot of hair to balance out the big pumpkin head and the big boobs. I'm hoping they don't have to cut it TOO short. We'll see what she says. It grows fast so it'll be shoulder length in no time.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, so if hair is short it will accentuate your pretty face with those lovely eyes, and voluptuous figure!

; )

I bailed this morning so odds of catching you manana are good.

LI Ashtangini said...

LOL, I'm not being self-deprecating this time, I really do have a big pumpkin head. You should see me try on hats. I'm not heavy this time, and my hairdresser is pretty good, so hopefully it will look ok short. Even if it doesn't, it's just hair!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and it always grows back. I had a pixie a few years ago that was fairly awful (the only one that liked it was Perfect Mother).

I always say now that my hair needs to be long enough to put in a ponytail.

Arturo said...

hi LIA, i like mine, but i still feel i need to put another mat under it for more cushion, because on top of it i'm using that thin towel that manduka makes.
cheers, arturo