Friday, February 1, 2008

Rainy day, rainy mood

What a yucky day here in Port Washington. It's dreary and raining and cold and just plain yucky. The dogs and I are hanging out here on the couch watching tv. I don't really have anything to write about, and haven't had anything for days. I'm supposed to start my new contracting job on Monday and I'm finding that sooooo depressing. No benefits. And what's even more depressing is I just looked up how much it's going to cost me to get benefits and it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $350 a month. And that won't get me much, a huge deductible and having to pay for a full office visit. Then I have to get dental insurance because I have teeth issues and I can't be without dental insurance. Then it occurred to me that I have no life insurance. What if something happened to me? Sigh. Just thinking about it all is terribly depressing so I'm avoiding by watching tv until I'm in a stupor. Yoga practice? Not really. Just the thought makes me want to burst into tears. Which is exactly what almost happened the last time I was wrestled into Marichasana C. I had the overwhelming urge to cry. No word from big company X, either, who I was hoping would save me from non-benefits land. Oh, and I just had to call YS and stop my monthly auto-renewal. Now I'm REALLY in a funk. I will only be able to go to class on Sundays. I'll be practicing alone every morning, no adjustments, no teacher, no fellow students. Super. Thanks Axium.

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