Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Am I really this boring?

Probably. Nothing new to report except that I started a job with company X very close to home. One of the very nice bosses said that if I wanted to I might be able to work out of their office in Manhattan instead so I could go to yoga class. Very sweet. Everyone is sooooooo nice here, it's very strange.

Ladies holiday this week so I haven't practiced in several days. Bad lady. I intend to get up in the morning and give it a go by myself again.

BF and I are going grocery shopping tonight, there is literally no food in the house. I already informed him that we will be switching back to healthy eating now. We have both gained weight and I personally am miserable with this extra 8 lbs. or so on me. No future stepchildren this weekend and we are actually going out in public as a couple both Friday AND Saturday night. My friend Sheri's boyfriend is in town so we're going to meet up with them, go head some music and have some dinner. It will be nice to go out and be grownups, we haven't done it in a while.

More later.....


armani said...

Heya, thought I'd say hi and check out this little corner of the world. Nice, so far!

Wouldn't working in Manhattan be totally awesome? How long would it take to get there from LI?

LI Ashtangini said...

Thanks Armani! When I worked in Manhattan, I longed to be working closer to home and now that my only option is to not work in Manhattan, I feel a little left out. Mostly I just miss my daily dose of the Shala! It only takes about 40 minutes on the train to get to midtown from my house. It really depends on where you live on LI. 35-40 is about the minimum but I know people who commute an hour and a half or more!

armani said...

Cool. Thanks for the info. It's a long commute, but I guess it's pretty good for the Manhattan area. Wowzers.