Thursday, July 3, 2008

Being in love

This post is dedicated to all of my single friends out there.

Top 10 reasons I am in love with BF.

1. He's friggin' hot. Maybe not to you, maybe not to the lady down the street, but to me he's the hottest thing around. He's not tall or burly or particularly muscular. He's certainly a little shorter than the guy I had in my head. But in my eyes he's totally fantastic looking and he does it for me every time.

2. He's the best kisser ever. Seriously.

3. He makes me laugh. All the time. Every day. Stupid humor, intelligent humor and everything in between. Sometimes I think his stupid frat-boy jokes are funny but I don't laugh just to screw with him. LOL.

4. He's one of the smartest people I've ever met. I think it bothers him that he doesn't have a formal education, but he knows a lot more than a lot of people I know who are educated out their ass.

5. He's a 'guy's guy'. A 'manly man'. He can fix things like the car, plumbing, whatever. He likes to take care of the yard. He loves cars and baseball and big slobbery dogs. As a former musician, I've dated a lot of 'sensitive, artsy' type guys and now that I've switched sides I would never go back.

6. I can take him anywhere. I've taken him home to Florida to meet my family. Remind me to post about attending my cousin's wedding with him someday..... I've taken him to fancy parties on the Upper West Side, dive bars, expensive restaurants and everywhere in between. Never once have I had to worry about what he was saying or what people thought of him or whether he was bored to tears and wanted to leave. He's funny and charming and he can make conversation with almost anyone.

7. He's generous with his time and means.

8. He's a really great father. I don't think it comes all that naturally and he puts A LOT of effort into being the best dad he can be. I sincerely hope that one day his children realize that he really did try his very best to give them the best childhood they could possibly have.

9. He supports my yoga practice. He rarely complains when I get up at 5am, leave the house at 5:30. Or when I'm never around on weekend mornings. Hell, we picked out the house we just moved into partly based on the fact that I can have my own room to practice in.

10. He accepts and loves me for exactly who I am and has done so from the day I met him. He has loved me at 210 lbs., 150 lbs. and every size in between. He accepts my nutty psuedo-environmentalist tendencies (he draws the line at an indoor composter, however), my crazy southern-redneck family, my unbelievable need for order and control and so many other things that are escaping me right now. And that's really the most important thing of all. He's never once tried to change me or make me into something I'm not and can never be.

I know that there are many of you who are single and loving it. I was once also, and would be happy to be that way again. This is not a 'you need a guy to make you happy' rant. I just wanted to let all of you out there who are searching for love know that he's OUT THERE if you're looking for him. AND he might not be what you expect. He may not match that picture you had in your head of what your 'ever after' was going to be. Be open to the guy who isn't that tall, or who has kids, or who doesn't have a college degree, or who is nerdy or whatever else may come your way. As long as YOU know you are fabulous, he will know too and if he's worth his salt, he'll never let you forget it.


Anonymous said...

You know how we were saying today, about crying, how neither one of us is a big crier? Well, you just did it to me.

That is the most beautiful things I have ever read, in a very long time.


What a testament to love, what love is, what it means, and how much you appreciate the man you're with for all of the "right" reasons. You're obviously deeply fortunate to have one another.

Are you going to show this to him?

peaceloveyoga said...

Awwww...what a great post! Thank you for sharing. Well, being a single gal it gives me hope!

Thanks again...

ashtanga en cevennes said...

What a great tribute! Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love this.

Anonymous said...

I love this.

(0v0) said...


alfia said...

Hi, Sonya:

You BF sounds amazing! I think you match him in your fabulousness as well. How are you, love birds, settling down in your new place?

LI Ashtangini said...

Alfia, we finally seem to be getting toward some peace at the new house! Most of the boxes are unpacked and the recyclers came and picked them up today. Still cleaning though. ARGH. DIRTY house!

And yes, he finally read it yesterday, LOL. He really is a good boy! Of course, it doesn't mean I don't want to strangle him on a daily basis!

Melody said...

Sounds like you definitely have a keeper!

I love your post. Good for you! :)

Arturo said...

that is sweet. why am i commenting so much in your blog today? i guess because your posts make me feel good.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the sweetest and mutually heart & tear inducing things I've ever read.

Thank you for sharing it ~ Dano