Saturday, January 19, 2008

Greetings from Long Island

After reading (ok, lurking on....) several blogs focused mainly on ashtanga yoga, I've decided to try my hand at writing my own. I have the feeling it won't be as interesting as the others I've read but I'm ok with that. I'm hoping to use this blog to jot down my thoughts on ashtanga yoga, being back in New York, living in the suburbs and being a future stepmom.

Since today was a Saturday, no regular Mysore practice so I went to the local yoga studio here and took the Restorative class. Normally I detest restorative classes.....I find them to be really boring but I think slowing down and being quiet for a while every Saturday might be good for me. This was my second one. The one I took two weeks ago involved 'partnering' which was interesting and not terribly unpleasant. We'll see how this goes, I'll keep posting my experience.

Tomorrow is regular Mysore practice. I have the feeling it may be pretty wretched. My eating has been truly awful the last few weeks. That is mostly due to my stress levels lately, I'm a major stress eater. Today I made a pot roast for the BF and his kiddies and stupidly ate some of it. Really not the best idea but it's done now so I'll just have to deal with it tomorrow.

In spite of the fact that I'm super stressed and freaked out (that's for a later post), I'm excited about this week as my original yoga teacher from LA is coming east. We're going to practice together at my studio on Thursday morning. I'm super psyched for that, and to see her and hang out.

I think that's enough for a first post, more tomorrow on the status of my practice and, more importantly, the status of my life in general.


Carl said...

Hey, welcome to the gang!

LI Ashtangini said...

Thanks Carl!