Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Outing myself

Since I've already outed myself to several people, I suppose I can start using my first name. It's Sonya. I didn't make it up, it's not some kind of alternate personality. It's my name. Feel free to use it during commentary or whatever.

I ate my weight in cheese tonight. Blubber forecast is 70% with a big chance of jiggling.


alfia said...

"Blubber forecast is 70% with a big chance of jiggling" :D

Yoga Chickie said...

Hi Sonya. I like your name! Lauren

LI Ashtangini said...

Why thank you YC! I have never been a fan of it but it's too much of a pain in the arse to change it.

Anonymous said...

Love your story :)

Anonymous said...

cheese and chips/guacamole are definitely amomgst the few things that are well worth the remorse!

Arturo said...

hi sonya
blubber forecast here 60%, de-jiggling.
I saw a new yorker cartoon on a blog this morning, of a pilgrim with a walking stick coming to a fork in the road with a sign with arrows pointing "the meaning of life" with a left arrow and "cheese and crackers" with a right arrow.