Sunday, February 3, 2008

What makes for a really crappy mood?

Getting laid off from your job because they closed up shop and filed for bankruptcy all in one day - CHECK

Having to take a consulting job outside the city that you really don't want simply because you must earn the paycheck - CHECK

Having to practice on your own every morning because you no longer go into the city to work every day - CHECK

Ladies holiday - CHECK

Finding out one of your favorite and most loved people in the world has terminal lung cancer and has approximately 6-9 months to live - CHECK

Gaining at least 5 pounds due to the fact that you haven't been practicing this month because you're JOBLESS - CHECK

Eating really really bad food for a month due to all the stress of trying to find a new job - CHECK

I tried to practice today. I really really did. It simply didn't work out that well. But I did make it to the mat. Isn't that what matters?

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