It snowed last night. A lot. I hate snow. Why did I move here???? Oh yeah.....Now I'm all stressed from the drive here so I'm drinking a gigantic diet pepsi. That's right. Whatever, I don't care. Driving in the snow scares the shit out of me. I hate it. And apparently they don't believe in salting the roads in Port Washington. Assholes. I hate this town. I hate Long Island. I hate New York. There, I feel better. Here are some pictures of the snow.

That's my tiny black car buried under the snow. Poor girl.
In better news....I'm going to meet Cranky while I'm in Baltimore visiting friends. I decided I would check out the DC Shala while I'm there, I really can't afford any more practice time off. So I figured I'd drive to DC and practice at their shala. It's about an hour away but my friends go to church (for work, they are musicians) so I'd be all alone anyway. And Cranky said she was gonna be there!!!! Very exciting stuff indeed. Fellow blogger Alfia will be there also, it is her home shala so should be a fun morning!
I had BF take some pics of me with his fancy new camera while I was practicing last night. The only ones I could stomach posting were the UD pictures. Everything else shows my icky belly. Which does not seem to be getting any smaller, incidentally. UD doesn't look great but doesn't look terrible either. Still too much weight in the arms, for sure, but I'm finally getting to the point where I really feel like I might be able to 'find my feet', as Chuck would say. Also, clearly the armpits need to open up. I guess that's a shoulder thing? I'll have to ask M when I go to LA next. BF also assisted me with utthita hasta padangusthasana. He's learning that it's actually hard work being a yoga teacher, lol. And I'm learning that I need to make more of an effort to not let Teacher do all the work for me in certain poses. That's a lot of leg to hold up in that pose! BF took pics in trikonansana and ardha badha padmottanasana. I'm so incredibly screwed up in that pose, I probably shouldn't even be binding. The lotus hip is WAY higher than the standing leg. M would not approve. Perhaps I should go back to the daily hip openers. The camera is definitely a helpful tool to see what's working and what's not. Also helpful to get a good look at my belly, to stay motivated. Here they are. Please ignore the messy living room.

Sometimes (actually, often) I ask myself the same thing. Why the f am I in New York? The place really makes me miserable in the winter! I feel like its good that it snowed though. Otherwise, its like months and months of shitty weather with no pay off. :) Then again, I didn't have to dig out my car...
i hate winter, too. plbtt. i hate being cold. it is really freaking cold here.
hey, i am planning on getting to the shala pretty early-ish because i am hoping to get my sorry behind to quaker meeting at 10:30. i am going to try to be there by 8. if you can make it early we can maybe chat a little bit before class?
I e-mailed them and they said the room opens at 8am so I'll probably shoot for a little before 8. I want to try to miss some of the traffic getting back to Baltimore. Yes, let's do try to find each other beforehand!
David gets a little cranky (sorry, housefrau) when people show up too early on Sunday (somebody told me he does not like people observing him practice). Just a little insider tip...
Good tip, Alfia. Is there anywhere to sit and wait without being in the room? I'm coming from such a distance, I may not judge the timing correctly and get there way too early.
Yes, you can sit and chat in the dressing room, though it is small and smelly :(.
There is also no parking at the studio, so you will need to park in the neighborhood. Normally it is not a problem on Sunday, but be prepared.
i saw David shoo someone out of the room once when i was there early. i will then maybe aim to be there a little before 8 so i can chat with you ladies and then hop on my mat as soon as i am allowed. will you be able to come early too, Alfia?
Sure, I will be happy to chat with you, ladies. A little before 8 it is!
Good effort! My teacher doesn't mind if I'm the only one who practices there when he's practicing. But I don't look at him practicing, keeping my dristhe and concentration. Well I have two teachers, and I have practiced next to both. Besides the adjustments they might give, there is no better inspiration than seeing your teacher practice and practicing next to him or her.
cheers, Arturo
Good effort! My teacher doesn't mind if I'm the only one who practices there when he's practicing. But I don't look at him practicing, keeping my dristhe and concentration. Well I have two teachers, and I have practiced next to both. Besides the adjustments they might give, there is no better inspiration than seeing your teacher practice and practicing next to him or her.
cheers, Arturo
yikes, why did my comment go in duplicate? also, you have a car! how lucky. hehehe. some of us go car-less.
i've practiced with my teachers before, it was no big deal. I guess everyone has their 'thing'.
Arturo, sometimes the double posting happens when you hit reload, I think. Yes, having the car is nice. It's a bit of a requirement out here in the burbs.
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