Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I ate my mangosteen last night that Alfia gave me. Very interesting. If you ever get the chance to try one you should. Tough to get open though. I shared it with BF, he thought it was good too.

Yesterday was not a good day. I was given an offer on Friday by New Company and today they laid off 32 people, three of whom were in my group. Which only leaves me and the guy they promoted up from desktop support last week. So the senior engineer who doesn't yet know the environment and the guy with no server experience whatsoever. Scary. I had a major meltdown over it, but BF talked me down off the ledge. I envisioned myself having to start my search all over again and it was not a pretty vision. Most of all I saw my LA trip in April disintegrating before my very eyes. How sad is that, 32 people lose their jobs and all I can think about is not seeing my friends and missing out on the workshops with Petri. New Company was supposedly getting rid of the dead weight. The three people in my group were pretty useless. According to my boss they got terrible reviews this year and should have seen this coming. Does anyone ever see it coming? Supposedly we are getting another person in on Monday to help. The best part is the looks I've been getting from my co-workers up here on the third floor. Kind of like 'how come YOU'RE still here and THEY'RE gone????'. Super.

I think I still owe the last segment of the LI Ashtangini yoga history but that will have to wait for another day. There's lots of work to be done now that it's just me here. Sigh.

Called A in the hospital yesterday and he was in the middle of being discharged. He sounds great and he's home, which I'm sure is an immense comfort to him. I didn't talk to him long since he was leaving the hospital but I'll call him later today and post an update.


crankyhausfrau said...

ugh. sorry about that! well, the good news is that they see you as an asset. i would say that is flattering, don't you think? starting a new job is always pretty stressful. My husband used to be middle management and had to hire and fire people, he says that people usually do know when the firing is coming because they have been spoken to and warned about certain behaviors.

LI Ashtangini said...

Cranky, did you try your mangosteen?

Yes, BF thought it should be flattering too. I suppose it is.