Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I haven't been this tired in a long time. I haven't worked this hard in a really long time. I think this is payback for the year and a half that I did almost no work at all and got paid a ton of money for it while I was in LA. I had to postpone my trip to LA til the end of April. Honestly, I'm too tired to even be that upset about it. I'm hoping that all this work manifests itself at bonus time.

I practiced in the new Prana that I got from Cranky on Sunday. Prana is very comfy! I may buy some more from her, if she has any more Larges left on payday. I also got 'Anatomy of Hatha Yoga' and the Matthew Sweeney book from her. I'm so glad she recommended the anatomy book, it's already helped immensely. In addition, I ordered the big gigantic Yoga book (Yoga Journal), which came on Friday, and also the Third and Fourth series Encinitas DVD. BF is so cute, he watched the whole thing with me. He actually seemed moderately interested. I looooooove the Yoga book. I love yoga pictures, I'm such a dork. Plus, I didn't realize that my first mysore teacher was in there. I'm not sure why I never knew that, I've seen the book many times. She has the most beautiful practice.

I'm exhausted and I just ate my weight in cheese. Which I think is ok because I haven't eaten much else all day.

I'm even too tired to use the F word.


Anonymous said...

Cheese is good! It has protein!

I love watching those old DVDs. Don't they make everything look easy?

Sending restful vibes......xx

crankyhausfrau said...

wow! too tired to swear? sad. i have that huge book, too. so pretty and inspiring!

Anonymous said...

p.s. I can definitely swear for you if you want.

Arturo said...

hi LIA
I find that buying the mozzarella individually wrapped cheese sticks is the best way to avoid overeating cheese. I used to buy one of those big round mozzarella packages and eat it for a meal. But it's not good for you if it's not low-fat - too much grease and salt in the regular milk version.

Hey, I've been in your situation all week - with major construction package deadlines and other dealines my practice has been spotty. So here is just sending you some good vibes.

I have the other bhanda yoga anatomy book that preceded that one you mention. I'd like to get the latest one because it helps understand a lot about the asanas.
