Practiced this morning, wasn't too bad. Did all of standing plus a few seated. I got started at 6am so I didn't have time for much. I've decided to lower my expectations a bit and just be happy when I make it to the mat. I did set a goal to do everything up to navasana for 80% of my home practices by the end of March. I think it's a good goal and it works for me because I don't do well without some kind of focused agenda. Now if I could just get this weight off..... Here are some pics from this weekend taken with the fancy camera.
Here's T in his boyscout uniform:
Here's Z in his cub scout uniform:
Here's Rocky resting on Mama's leg:
Here's Rufus resting on mama's leg:
It's a gorgeous day here in the Northeast. I see some tiny little white flowers starting to bloom on the banks of the creek that runs through the park across the street from our house. Was that a run-on sentence? Maybe that's part of my problem, it's been a particularly grey winter here, a sudden change from sunny southern california.
the kids are cute! but those dogs are SUPER cute! are they pugs?
Rufus is a pug. Rocky (the black and white one) is a Boston Terrier. The kids ARE pretty freakin' cute. Especially the younger one, he uses his good looks to manipulate us all.....LOL.
i have read that god made kids cute so we are less likely to kill them :)
Rowan wants a pug, are they good with kids?
GREAT DOGS. I will e-mail you offline, I have a lengthy lecture about getting a pug, LOL. However, in short, they are GREAT with kids who are gentle with animals.
super! thanks!
Shibas are beautiful but not a dog I would want around children....just my humble opinion, tho.
too many people said that shibas are not good around kids :(
but when i was in DC i saw a shiba and a shiba puppy walking their owner down the street!
You did not tell me that you saw a shiba and a baby shiba! That is EXCITING! Did you give chase and pet them?
Shibas are okay with kids! They are! It just has to be YOUR shiba! The Royal Highness Shiba Inu adapts to every situation.
LI Ash, you are just beginning to get a taste of my shiba obsession. I will try not to be overwhelming with it.
; )
Are you going to any part of the David Williams thing?
I dunno about the David Williams thing. I don't think my practice is up to it. Maybe the intro to second series part on sunday? Are you going?
Shibas are awfully cute, I'll give you that. Just not really my type of dog.
I'm only going Thursday night, because I have bled money for the bar exam and I simply can't do the rest of it.
I'm sure your practice is up to it, but even if it isn't, who cares? : )
Oh, beautiful kids! And absolutely georgeous dogs!
I am glad you are feeling better. On the other hand do not feel bad about your outburst. We, women, need an outlet for all our emotions, right?
Yeah, I was thinking about the Thursday night thing also. The primary series stuff doesn't sound that exciting. Maybe I'll do Thursday night and Sunday. My budget is still pretty tight due to the job loss issue in January. I'm just now catching up. Plus I'm going to LA to see Petri the first week of April and Chuck and Maty are supposedly coming back some time during the summer so I'd rather save my pennies for that. Actually I'm kind of interested in the Bhagavad Gita/Yoga Sutra and Beginning sanskrit classes. Not sure if I can handle that much Christopher though, LOL.
Thanks Alfia! Yes, both the dogs and the kids are pretty cute. Can't take credit for either since my DNA wasn't involved, lol.
Well Thursday night I will definitely be there with EEYORE who I love love love! So if you are going to go, please reach out so that we can connect. : )
I'm 50/50 right now on Thursday night. Must get new boss to let me leave here at 4pm so I can get there on time. At least there's no asana, so no way to embarass myself, ha! I'll leave you a note on your blog.
hi LIA
i know some guys who live in san francisco who had a pug, then ended up adopting a momma and poppa pug, plus a litter of 3. i haven't been to their house, but you can imagine what it would be like there with that many pugs.
i went over to the yoga sutra site to read on the david williams workshop. hey you guys, how nice that eeyore is flying up there and is going to the workshop.
so anyway, i did that workshop years ago. i learned a particular warmup technique that i do to get the bandhas going. he'll probably teach that.
the second series is up to the leg behind the head poses. it stops before or at them, so it's no sweat. you all can do it.
the class on yoga history is super fun. it's like going to the movies. he's a great story teller.
you'll probably get his advice to hold upward dog a few more breaths during primary practice.
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