Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I don't normally do politics on my blog as I'd much rather yammer on about my boring life but seriously WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?????? This cover is neither amusing nor thought-provoking. It's simply offensive. I think I need to move to Canadia.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw that. I believe in free speech and all that, and I'm not an Obama fan (either of them) but even I find this offensive.

You can move to Canada. Carl would like that, you can send him pants.

Arturo said...

it is offensive, and maybe those of you living in NY felt the brunt closer, just because of the name of the publication.

LI Ashtangini said...

Even if I didn't like Obama, which I do, I would think this was horrid. It's simply horrid and tasteless. And completely beneath the New Yorker, in my opinion.