Friday, May 23, 2008

Backbending day - and it's FLEET WEEK

I practiced this morning. Yep, that's right, all by my little self. Sun sals, a little standing then I decided I was too tired for standing. Besides, I felt like doing a little back bending. So that's what I did. Shalabasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, and a couple of very tight UD's. UD has been rather tight the last couple of weeks. It almost feels like something in my shoulders is getting ready to open, they have been really noisy for a while now. And my hands seem to be getting closer to the floor in Prasarita C. Now if only I could get my HEAD closer to the floor. The backbends felt pretty good and there's no pain now, sitting here in my management cube.

I looked at two rental houses last night. Yeah. So anyhoo, the search continues. One good thing is that I've narrowed the focus. I had previously been casting the net pretty wide but I really don't want an hour's drive to work, so we're going to stick to the Huntington/Centerport/Northport area. Tomorrow is a cottage on the water. The broker said it's 'rustic' so I'm trying to prepare myself.....The location appealed to BF so I figured I should give it a shot. Perhaps if it's too 'rustic' we can fix it up a tad? Who knows.

It's Fleet Week here in the greater New York City area. What is Fleet Week, you ask? Check it out: Fleet Week. I believe they have Fleet Week in other locations like San Fran, South Florida, etc. It is also the Friday before Memorial Day so it's quiet here in the management cube. Perhaps I can sneak out a little early? BF is getting his car delivered today, Shiva willing. It was a logistical nightmare getting him the car he wanted for the price he wanted but his (and my) persistence paid off and it should be delivered to our house today.

That is all.


alfia said...

Good luck with the house hunt, Sonya!
Today was so not a backbending day for me. I tried to stand up, faied and gave up. But ir is Friday, so it is OK, right? I am glad that you had a good backbending practice.

LI Ashtangini said...

I think any day it is ok to treat yourself with kindness and respect what you can and cannot do!

Ugh, looking for rentals on LI sucks. It's just not a rental kind of place.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful sentiment, and you're totally right!

Yay for new cars and also boats and fleets and all things related to long weekends.

Yoga Chickie said...

Re UD, I have found that if I can really get my BACK into a backbend before pressing up, then the shoulder issues go away completely. The shoulder and wrist discomfort are only there when my chest isn't open and my lower back is crunching and not supporting me.

LI Ashtangini said...

Yes, that is the issue I have, chest is all closed off and not enough weight/strength in the legs which causes a lot of crunching in the low back. For a while there it seemed like the shoulders were doing well but now they're all stiff again. Oh well. Practice and all is coming......