I joined the company co-ed softball team. My right arm hurts. This is NOT going to be good for the yoga.
I dragged BF out of bed this morning for another round of 'ashtanga'.
In the bed:
Me: Come on, honey bunny, it's time to get up. (Yes, this is actually how he likes to be awakened when it's early - 6:20 is early to him).
BF: My knee hurts
Me: No it doesn't, come on now, get out of bed
BF: My stomach hurts
Me: I'll fix that, now come on, get up
BF: It's Ladies Holiday
Me: Honey, you don't have a uterus
We get downstairs, get the mats out facing each other.
Me: OK, take a deep breath in through the nose, now exhale, let it all out
BF: Buuuuuuuurp
We did three A's and two B's and then he complained that it hurt to be in down dog.
Me: What hurts, your wrists?
BF: No, my arms
Me: Oh, good, that's good
BF: WTF????? face
Me: Relax your neck, see your navel.
Then we did Padangusthasana (he is able to grab his toes with a bit of a bend in the knee) and Padahasthasana (he is able to get some of his fingers under the feet, again with a bend in the knee). Then trikonasana. Ummmmmm, I have a hard time teaching that one, so any pointers from those of you who are actually teachers is much appreciated. So that was enough for today, about 20 minutes. I'm hoping to talk him into taking a 'basics' class this weekend, we'll see how that goes. I don't think he should learn all of his yoga from me since I'm not really trained to teach!
We had the kids this weekend, that was pretty fun. They were at T's baseball game most of the day on Saturday and I had Ladies' Holiday so I was grouchy. I did bake a cake though. I took a picture, I'll have to get it off the camera and post it. It was pretty yummy. After dinner on Saturday we took the dogs out for a long walk around town to get some Italian ices. Rocky tried to jump over the low wall into the Sound, scared the LIFE out of me.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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i think Carl would argue that men need men's holiday. that is pretty funny!
Cake! picture of cake!!!!
OMG, that was hilarious! His ladies holiday and burp made my day! :D
That is indeed hilarious.
Remind me and I'll give you my notes from teacher training - I rewrote everything so it's crazy neat and gives an overview of how to teach all the major pose groups including most of primary (and a lot of the backbending in second), dropbacks, etc. Keep it as long as you need to.
Cake! Cake for breakfast!
Had cake for dinner last night....after softball practice.
Cranky - it's only his second practice, and they were each like 20 minutes long. He doesn't need a Men's holiday just yet.
Anna - that would be SUPER!
Alfia - Yes, he's pretty funny, at least there were no comments about my boobs today. I did catch him staring at them though, LOL.
If the boob watching distracts you, maybe you should practice side by side.
Yes, there should be men's holidays.
Unfortunately we don't have any roon in the teensy apartment to practice side by side. You can bet we will have some kind of 'yoga room' in our new place, though, wherever that ends up being!
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